It's hard to believe that it is already mid-January, and I am just now finding the time to blog about our Christmas memories....who knew a toddler could keep you so busy!

We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas with both of our families. The week leading up to Christmas, Ben took part in a Trans Siberian Orchestra music presentation held at our church. He was one of the lead, electric guitarist, and I must say I was swooned by his talent yet again as I proudly watched from the audience. I will try and remember to post a music clip from the DVD once we receive it.

December 23rd was spent with the Applings along with Christmas Eve day. We enjoyed a wonderful turkey feast along with GG's best ever, dressing. Caroline was so cute as she opened her presents. She would open one gift and then say, "thank you," "mmm...I want to open mmmore presents!" It was so cute. She received a HUGE Care Bear (nearly 1/2 her size), Care Bear movies, a stick pony to ride, coloring books, pop up Princess tent and many other fun, girly things. I felt like I was reliving my childhood when she opened the Care Bear items and a Cabbage Patch Kid. Caroline had a blast playing with her Uncle Chris, Papa Joe and GG. We attended the Christmas Eve service at our church, where Ben played an acoustic solo of Noel. Caroline just kept pointing at the large screens, waving to her da-da. Of course, it was difficult for Caroline to sit through the service since church to her is seeing her friends and playing in the nursery.

After the service, we drove on to Winder to join up with the Mays clan for a traditional, Christmas Eve dinner....yes, I was thankful for stretchy, maternity pants yet again! Eating two big meals in one day is quite an experience in itself :)
Exhausted and tired from a long day already, I was thrilled to discover that my mom had already made cookies for Caroline to leave out for Santa. Caroline enjoyed setting out the goodies and hearing all about Santa's expected arrival. Before putting Caroline to bed, Ben and I read the "real" Christmas story to her along with "Twas the Night Before Christmas." Caroline nestled down in her bed, tuckered out from a long, eventful day.

Christmas morning was filled with chaos and excitement with 3 dogs (ours, my brothers and my uncle's), one sleepy 2 yr old (yes, we had to wake her up around 7:30 a.m.) and presents waiting to be unwrapped. Caroline was thrilled to find the empty milk glass & cookie crumbs left by Santa. I think she was overwhelmed to see all that Santa had left her. She received a table & chair set along with several craft supplies, a pink puppy kennel, sit n' spin (again something from our childhood days), and a baby jog stroller w/ car carrier (this is so she can carry her babies around like I'll be carrying Andrew). Her stocking was filled with all kinds of goodies fit for a princess, including a crown, necklace, bracelets, etc. I guess you can say, Santa felt she was a very, good lil' girl this year (plus he blessed mom & dad w/ lots of great value finds)!

We enjoyed opening gifts with my family and then it was time to say good-bye to my brother & his wife Ansley as they headed back South to spend Christmas day w/ Ansley's family. Caroline was definitely sad to see Callie go. The evening of Christmas day was spent with some more of my dad's family. Caroline had a ball being entertained by everyone.
My mom helped me make matching Christmas jeans for Caroline and me. It was fun wearing matching outfits, but by the end of the evening I folded up the jeans, knowing they would never be worn again -- hopefully, mine will not fit next year :) and sadly, Caroline will be too big for hers.