Well, I am finally getting around to posting some of our 4th of July pictures...Yes, I do realize that it is already after August 4th, but at least I am getting them posted, right? Caroline absolutely adored her 4th of July dress (I thought it was pretty cute as well). Andrew continues to be a happy baby (taking after his big sister). Our only complaint is that he is a BIG drooler (I just can't keep enough bibs and burp cloths in the house) -- but if that is our only issue, I figure we are very blessed. We have enjoyed summer, but we are
ready for the HOT temperatures to taper off and Fall to arrive. Caroline LOVES playing outside, but sometimes during these hot, summer days we are only able to go out in the early morning and evening hours. Caroline will be starting Pre-school in September. She will be attending our church's program Mon, Wed & Fri from 9-12. She is really looking forward to it. She is hopeful that they will teach her to read. She often tells me that she, "wished she could read the words." I think it is so cute how eager she is to learn. She truly is a sponge these days. I am busy planning her 3rd birthday party (Princess, of course). It is so hard to believe that she will soon be THREE. Andrew is coming up on six months - yes, he is still our chunky monkey (much like Caroline was), but we all love his rolls and bubbly personality. Caroline continues to be endeared toward Andrew. I will have to post some video of the two of them soon. Our latest news is that we are officially an Aunt & Uncle and Caroline and Andrew have a new cousin! Reagan Montgomery Mays was born on Sunday, August 9th weighing in at 7lbs 7oz. We are all eager to meet her!