These are pictures of everyone who went on the trip: Ben & me, Caroline, Larry (my brother) & Ansley (34 wks prego- doesn't she look great!), Andrew & my parents:

We were somewhat concerned about keeping a four-month old baby out on the beach for too long, but thanks to a friend of mine, we had a great baby canopy which was ideal for the beach. We also had a huge tailgating tent that we put up to mark our spot on the beach (I was amazed by how popular these have become).

Caroline was immediately hesitant about the ocean. She liked playing in the sand and sitting with us on the beach, but taking her near the water was another story. We were just thankful that she was not down at the beach when a shark was spotted.
Pure panic as she nears the water.

If you look at the picture below you can somewhat make out the shark. It is just a little right-center.

Caroline had fun playing in the sand and enjoyed tearing down all of the sandcastles we all tried to help her build :)

If you look at the picture below you can somewhat make out the shark. It is just a little right-center.

Caroline had fun playing in the sand and enjoyed tearing down all of the sandcastles we all tried to help her build :)
To get the picture in the center, I told Caroline to say, "ice-cream" she immediately looked up (she had been ignoring me before) with a BIG smile!

Andrew, on the other hand, did not seem to mind the ocean at all. Dipping his toesies in it was quite fun since he was the only one we could seem to get to go down by the ocean.
Both kids really liked the pool. Caroline stuck to the steps the first two days, but as soon as she met her new friend, Ashley, it was off to the deep end for her! Ashley was from Smyrna. Ben and I enjoyed meeting her parents and hanging out with them by the pool. We called the girls the "pink hat" club. It was too cute to look in the pool and see two pink hats bobbing along.

Both kids really liked the pool. Caroline stuck to the steps the first two days, but as soon as she met her new friend, Ashley, it was off to the deep end for her! Ashley was from Smyrna. Ben and I enjoyed meeting her parents and hanging out with them by the pool. We called the girls the "pink hat" club. It was too cute to look in the pool and see two pink hats bobbing along.