The purpose of our family blog is to share our life journey with family and friends. Our family consists of Ben and Barbara (married Dec 2002), Caroline (born Sept 2006), Andrew (born Feb 2009) and Dixie (our dog). We hope that you will enjoy following us and all of our adventures and mishaps!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cinderella and Her Cowboy

I must admit, each year that passes does only get better!  Ben and I both agreed that 3 & 6 are the perfect ages to have fun trick-or-treating.  We enjoyed hitting up all of the festivities.  We started off at Publix (actually because we needed cash, and I thought the lighting would be good for pictures).  We were amazed at how entertaining trick-or-treating at our local Publix could be - they had booths and games set up all around the store and they had the BEST candy and treats!  After we left Publix, we headed next door to our church to participate in Trunk or Treat.  We ate Chick-fil-a, enjoyed a hay ride, jumped on inflatables, roasted marshmellows and of course got lots of candy!  Then we whisked the kids off to Gigi and Papa Joe's house, where the kids surprised them by knocking at their door.  We ended the night at the Barber's house where we trick-or treated in their neighborhood, enjoyed yummy treats and the kids had even more fun handing out the candy (We all witnessed first hand, that it is better to give than receive). 

Fun Quotes of the Night:

Andrew to the Trick-or-Treaters:  "Would you like 2, 3 or 5 candies?"

Kids (mostly teenagers by this time of night):  Umm...can I have 1 - thank you (looking up at all of the adults).

Caroline: Walking down the neighborhood streets, reciting Isaiah 40:31 in her most boisterous voice, "but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary..." This is her verse from kindergarten that she was reciting for us.  And once she saw people were listening, she only belted it out louder (Ben and I just chuckled and beamed with pride).

Caroline: "You know what they say, Halloween is just a fun time of make believe, or a bigger way of saying it, is that it is " is not real."

By the end of the night, Andrew was so tired (missed nap getting ready for all the festivities) that
on the ride home after 9:00 p.m. he started crying and said, "Trick-or Treating was no fun.  I don't like Halloween anymore.  I had nooo fun." 

We all chuckled at his sleepy talk, considering he had such a good night.  He chatted to all of the adults and kids alike.  He enjoyed running door to door (and for the first time, Ben and I were able to let the kids run up to the doors alone).  He really had the BEST time and enjoyed every minute of it!

We really had a great time as a family last night.  As we strolled through the neighborhood and watched our two running up to doors, giggling and waving bye and thank-you as they accepted candy, Ben and I looked at each other and both felt very BLESSED.

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