It is hard to believe that I have already been at home for twelve weeks. At first I wondered if I could do it; could I really keep two kids under the age of three day in and day out for twelve weeks?? What would we do every day? How would I juggle the schedule of a newborn with a toddler?
I am happy to say that I have enjoyed my time at home far more than I ever thought possible (those of you that know me, know that I am not a home body -- more of the on the go type). Although my time home with the kiddos has been nice, I am heading back out into the workforce tomorrow morning. I'll hit I-85 at 6 a.m. with hundreds of others to make the trek to Atlanta.
Am I sad? Yes, a little. I'll miss waking up Andrew at 7a.m. by rubbing his back and rocking him in his glider while I feed him (Yes, I do actually wake him at 7 so I can put him back down before Caroline rises around 8). I'll also miss swinging Caroline's door wide open and saying, "Good Morning Sunshine, It's Mommy!" I have definitely enjoyed my time at home, and I am thankful that I was able to take such a long leave of absence from work. The break has been nice, and I know that I have made memories with Caroline and Andrew that I shall never forget.
So tomorrow morning do I leave for work with a heavy heart? NO! I am so blessed to have the best of both worlds. While I do go back to work tomorrow, I am fortunate enough to still be able to stay home with my kids two days per week. On top of that, we are very blessed to have a wonderful team of caregivers working throughout the week to care for Caroline and Andrew. Thankfully, my parents, Ben's mom & Miss Cheri (a dear friend from church) each take a day during the week to babysit while I am at work. This network has been instrumental in shaping Caroline's young life, and I look forward to seeing how each special relationship will impact Andrew's life.
Please pray for me as I head back to the office, and pray for my awesome network of caregivers as they learn how to juggle two little ones (I think my dad is the most apprehensive of the pack :) ).