Caroline has become quite the "Lil' Glamour Girl" lately. She loves to priss around the house, help mommy put on makeup, wear mommy's high heels and host tea parties. She is such a nurturing mommy to her babies, bunny and elephant. I am confident that she will be a great help to me once An-rew (as she calls him) arrives next week. She has regressed somewhat with the potty training, but she definitely gets the concept. We are amazed each day at her expanding vocabulary. She is a very vocal little girl (gee, I wonder who she gets that from). Thankfully, she still continues to be a great sleeper...taking 2-3 hr naps each day and sleeping 12 hours each night....yes, Ben and I are spoiled and somewhat fearful of going back to sleepless nights once Andrew arrives.
Current Caroline Favorites:
Books: Dear God & God Bless (which she can practically recite)
Food: chick'n nuggets, ketch up (which she says with a big pause), french fries
Restaurant: Chick-fil-A
Place: My "new" house, in my play room
Show: Caillou
Movies: Care Bears
Toy: My Lil' Ponies
Clothes: Anything Princess
Animal: Nee-haw, giddy-up, giddy-up (her terms for horse)
Place to Visit: Mall of GA Play area or the Park

This is what Caroline does when you say, "Say Cheese!" If she'd only open her eyes, we'd have some great photo opportunities...but she always squints when she does this.

Our Lil' Glamour Girl!