My Aunt Barbara blessed us immensely by hosting a shower for Andrew at the end of January. The shower definitely helped fill our home with many items we were lacking, including lots of BLUE, bath towels, adorable boy outfits to fill Andrew's closet & other baby essentials. We are so thankful to have such great friends and family. Below are some pictures from the shower:
Sue, Me and Aunt Barbara (my mom's best friend for over 40 yrs)
Blue balloons, plates & napkins w/ tiny footprints and lots of yummy food!
Some of the guests that made the extra effort to make this day truly special
Andrew's 1st Boy Toy...a pop and roll choo-choo train!

Blue balloons, plates & napkins w/ tiny footprints and lots of yummy food!

My dear friend, Jennifer, who is expecting a baby in April (if not sooner).
We can't wait to meet Andrew's playmate.
We can't wait to meet Andrew's playmate.

yes, the nursery will be exploding soon!

Thanks to all of the wonderful gifts we received, we are now all set for Andrew's arrival!

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