Well, that's all I have time to list for now. I'm sure I'll think of more. That girl is always coming up with something!
The party included:
1. Pet Grooming Spa (pink nails, personalized dog tags, fluffy dog ears, face painting) Each girl was asked to where lots of PINK and a tutu.
2. Photo Session for each new "posh pup" out in a custom doghouse (made by Ben and the Mrs.)
3. Puppy Hunt (we hid puppies in the yard and had the kids hunt for them and return them to their kennel).
4. Puppy adoption Ceremony. In true "Baby General" style, we had the kids claim a puppy and name them. We then presented them with an adoption certificate.
5. Freeze Dance to "Who Let the Dogs Out" (I'll have to add this video clip)
6. Bead necklaces for their new puppies
7. And what party would be complete without CAKE & ICECREAM! The shaggy dog cake was purchased from Publix and I added the pink bow and candles. The kids ate their cake out of their own dog bowls personalized dog bowls (another craft we did at the beginning).
8. Gift Time - Caroline received lots of fun toys!
9. Free Time and then last but not least, Caroline gave out "Doggy Bags" to all of her friends. My mom helped her make bone shaped cookies.
The party was a lot of FUN, and it is definitely an idea I hope to redesign and use for Andrew - perhaps with more of a firetruck/dalmation theme.
I just still can't believe my baby girl is "FOUR!!"
EATING – You are like a little birdie when it comes to eating. You open your mouth wide and wait for us to drop the food in. You get aggravated with us if we are not quick enough for you. If we leave the table, you make a mess by reaching to grab whatever was left within reach. You basically don’t stop eating until you are removed from the table :) You are really good at picking up your own food. Some of your favorites include: bananas (but you don’t like the slimy texture and won’t pick them up, you prefer to eat them from the peel – like a big boy), green beans, sliced cheese, you used to love tomatoes – but not so much recently. For breakfast you are still eating the lil’ concoction I developed for you when you were 6 months old (oatmeal, applesauce, whole milk & CINNAMON…warm for 20 seconds – YUM!). By 11-1/2 months you were completely rid of the bottle and now always drink whole milk from a sippy cup.
SLEEPING – You still continue to be a great sleeper. You typically go to bed around 8pm, and you basically sleep until we get you up (8 – 9 a.m.). You never cry out in the morning. One of my favorite sounds is hearing you sucking your first 3 fingers and making happy sounds while you suck your fingers (mmm, mmm, mmm…). This is how I typically know you are awake in the morning. You are NOT like your sister as far as sleep positions go. We never find you in the same position – side, fanny in the air, back, stomach, whatever works! You tend to stay sitting up in the bed when we put you to bed. It’s as though you are contemplating what your sleep position will be for the night :) We have had you sleeping on a boppy pillow for about 4 months now (it was helping with your runny nose), but now we always find you off of the pillow.
WALKING – You started cruising around 10 months and you still love to pull up on everything. Although, you have not yet found the confidence to walk on your own, you are starting to walk holding onto our hand. You still crawl a lot. Sometimes you crawl with great determination (one arm, then the next as hard and fast as you can go). You have made it up to the second step on our stairs, but have not ventured beyond that.
PLAYING – You are enjoying your new birthday toys – trucks and little people are your favorite. You like things that make noise. You love your Thomas the Train ride-on which you received from Santa. You like to get into whatever Caroline is into. We have packed away all of the typical baby toys – excersaucer, bumbo, swing, Johnny jumper, etc. You are our BIG, adventurous boy now!
WHAT’S NEW – You are babbling more and more. You love to clap on command and sometimes clap just for our attention. You are a giggly boy. You learned how to “high 5” about a month back and you like doing it. You love to play peek-a-boo. You are enjoying being read to more and more. You LOVE bathtime and make sure everyone knows it! You squirm and giggle, kick and splash everything in sight!!
MOMMY’S FAVORITES – By far, my favorite thing about you is that you love to cuddle! I love hearing your sounds when you suck your fingers.